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Trauma/Abuse Recovery and EMDR

Individual therapy for trauma recovery, and/or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, assists clients to move beyond the residual impacts of their traumatic experiences, toward healing and reclaiming direction in their lives. Trauma, be it a single event or a complex series of experiences, is often accompanied by patterns of becoming triggered, re-experiencing emotional flooding and physiological reactivity.  Understanding the mind-body connection is a critical component of identifying how we carry stress of any kind on a daily basis.


The trauma recovery process involves the effort to move beyond being overwhelmed, to an empowered stance of increased self-regulation and managing emotionality. Shifts may occur, transitioning from a place of reactivity that often causes blockage in our connections, toward a grounded position of integration, becoming responsive in our self-awareness to honor what we need and deserve. Often this includes working through internalized shame and the narratives that hold us back from being our best selves. The courage to embark upon this therapeutic journey is held sacred and honored with a compassionate and personalized approach in treatment.


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